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Casing - Worn Life Begs For Burial CS

"Casing return with a new EP that’s short and to the point - even more so than their 2021 debut "Patterns Of Deterioration." It’s noise rock, it’s punk, it’s power violent in many ways. Particularly the lack of guitar and panned bass tracks gives it the quality of some of the earlier MITB material (maybe even both sides of the MITB /Locust split) and also at times reminiscent of Karp / The Whip / Big Business. Groovy but also stilted and punctuated to keep you unsettled and surprised. Ugly shit." - Alex Hughes (Hatred Surge, Holy Money, etc.)

Six new tracks of Casing's noisy, bass-driven, plodding punk clocking in just under fifteen minutes. A grinding display of rust, rot, and industrial waste that should highly appeal to fans of Intensive Care and Column Of Heaven. If you appreciate powerviolence, but you'd still rather listen to Swans, Godflesh, and Foetus than Weekend Nachos or Mind Eraser, this is the voice of your invasive thoughts.

Anthems Of The Undesirable Records