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Dodge Jones Rage - West Coast Power Outage V CD

The Dodge Jones Rage power-trio was started in late 2021 as a distributed pandemic-driven experimental-noise-audio collaboration by three long-time grizzled sonic veterans, getting older getting noisier.

The noise varies widely. There are deconstructed distorto-rumbles, fragmenting cracks in the noise, blasted peeks into alternate universes of broken-down machinery overlords and curious exo-alien tourists on expired visas listening to 80’s Moroccan mix tapes with dying AA batteries. Or they’ll approach a wall-of-noise covered with ivy-like tendrils of squeals, punches, and cinematic waves of sound. Sometimes there will be comparatively calm glacier-like slabs of atmospherics made of punishing layers of ooze. Perhaps most often, confusing, mind-melting caverns of bliss, psychedelic collections of puzzling, rumbling, hissing sounds as if from inside the multiversal computer as it finally breaks down and comes to a halt.

The personnel:

Chris Dodge (Louisville, KY): Currently playing in Trappist, and Marx Bros. Before in: Spazz, Infest, Despise You, Lack Of Interest, To The Point, Stikky, East West Blast Test, Jesus Philbin, Bacteria Cult. Started the legendary hc punk label Slap A Ham Records in 1989, establishing the HC power-violence scene with ham-slapping noise & blast beats.

Mason Jones (San Francisco): Currently playing in Collision Stories. Before in: Trance, SubArachnoid Space, Numinous Eye, and Terminal Stress. Collaborated extensively with Makoto Kawabata, KK Null, Hiroshi Hasegawa / Astro, Joe Papa, Jim O’Rourke, Tatsuya Yoshida, Suishou no Fune, and so many more. Founder/operator of the influential Charnel House/Music experimental music label. Helped introduce the Japanese indie and noizu scene to the U.S. and Europe. Co-founder of Automotism Press, publisher of the excellent but short-lived Ongaku Otaku magazine, amongst other dark-interest titles.

William Rage (Seattle): Currently playing in Happiness Forever, Sound System Dis/Control, Nervous Corps/Corpse. Before in: Blue Sabbath Black Cheer, At Jennie Richie, Dried Up Corpse, Nihilist Assault Group; Collaborated extensively with: The New Blockaders, irr. app. (ext.), Viju Krem (with The Rita), Vvbvs, and more. Past record/cassette labels have included Enterruption, Meaning Corrupted, Readymades Tapes, and now currently as !MONDO ANTHEM!.

Absurd Exposition Records